Friday, November 23, 2012


Solitaire Till Dawn fans: Please see the new Solitaire Till Dawn blog for news about the game. Posts about Solitaire Till Dawn will now appear exclusively in that blog; I am returning the focus of this blog to matters of interest to myself, my family, and my close friends.

I have retired from my day job! No more 40 hours per week of working on other people's projects; no more way-too-early alarm clocks; no more wasting 8+ hours per week on commuting. Hooray!

So what now?

Actually I have lots to do. I expect to be extremely busy, even short on time, through the holidays. Sometime early in the new year things should settle down a bit. When I can get a routine going, I still expect to be busy, but no longer hurried.

We are going to move house, and fairly soon. That, along with the usual holiday fuss, is what will be keeping us extra-busy for a while: selling the house, finding and buying a new one, preparing to move, settling in to the new place. It will take time, but we expect to really enjoy our new digs and new location once that's done.

Aside from that, I plan to spend several hours per day (most days) working on Solitaire Till Dawn. This will be more time per week by a factor of ten than I've been able to devote to it for the last few years. That's going to be fun. Most of the rest of the time will go to my more serious hobbies: music, boardgame design, and playing games with Helen, friends, and the kitties.

I'm looking forward to it!


tillotta said...

Happy for you. Have a nice change and retirement, but do not forget STD

Seth Jaffee said...

Congrats! I hope this gives you the time you need to pursue more fun stuff :)